4 Leading Litigators Leave Cadwalader For Greenberg Traurig
The head of this group is a major rainmaker, but not necessarily fun to work for.
The head of this group is a major rainmaker, but not necessarily fun to work for.
The revolving door spins again at Cadwalader, this time with a firm leader taking his leave.
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Earlier this month, we broke the news of three prominent Proskauer partners — Louis Solomon, Hal Shaftel, and Colin Underwood — jumping ship to Cadwalader. In addition, Michael Lazaroff, who has been senior counsel at Proskauer, will join Cadwalader as special counsel (as noted in the New York Law Journal). In its press release, Cadwalader […]
Three litigation partners have just joined Cadwalader from Proskauer, according to a firm-wide email circulated at CWT by firm chairman Chris White and litigation chair Gregory Markel. The three partners are Louis Solomon, Hal Shaftel, and Colin Underwood. Their bios are still available on the Proskauer website (here, here, and here). Solomon previously chaired Proskauer’s […]